Wolf Guardians

Wolf Guardians
The Wolf Guardians Logo

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I wish everyone in here a happy new year, I hope the next year will be better for you than
the one that has just passed.

We also hope that the next year will be better for the wolves that we want to help

The Wolf Guardians are currently working on the "Wolf Report 2010"
witch will tell about the fate of the Wolves the last year.

Now, I wish you a Happy New Year, and ALL HAIL THE WOLVE!!!!!


Sunday, December 19, 2010



We are very Glad that you are here and reading this blog.
This blog is a part of the Wolf Guardians scheme, that also has a Petition
and a Website. all of this is dedicated to raise awareness about the plight of the wolves.

The Wolf Guardians